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A member registered Mar 02, 2019

Recent community posts

Hey. It looks like someone reuploaded your game. I reported it, but you may need to do so to get it taken down.

Whatever you do with it going forward I'm interested. Concept was there, but from what I remember just a bit buggy.

Out of curiosity, I'm guessing this project is dead? Or do you plan to revisit it at any point?

I honestly see no reason you should stop development. I would still like to see about collabing somehow and turning both into one, somehow, but as long as Annue and Hot Pink aren't upset about your game, keep developing it. I only say you should combine forces for the sake of people who would tell you to take down your game.

I believe TL2 mentioned the plan to add poses and stuff when they announced the game, but honestly, I feel like there's chance for work to be spread amongst all of you in one game. I think there's *serious* potential in that idea. xD And not because one might benefit of it over the other, but because working together I feel like you all could make a game that's better than what you would do doing two separate but similar games.

Hey there. Downloaded the game, and settings button appears to be broken on main menu.

You don't have to sell it on the Google play store. You can create and sell it as another downloadable. Just need to make sure the code translates well into the apk.

There's a bug with at least Starfire and Robin where doing Raven's quest with the book crashes the game when you transition away. Or at least after returning the book and you click on the desk that faces the suits.


Apparently there's no exe in the download. Just the .PY file which I can't figure out how to run.

As much as I want to see new content for this game, as it's very fun, I still respect your decision if you wish to leave it behind. I left the discord server you had almost immediately after you did when I saw what your "mods" were talking about behind your back. I feel bad that you had to put up with that. I sent you a message on discord a while back, and my offer remains. If you need someone to talk to, my DMs are open.